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Winchester Lock
Real Name:
Profile: WinchesterLock's profile
Alts: Redneck-Clock
Aura: Animator
Level: Level 9
Animator AuraLevel 9
Whistle: NormalWhistle
Blam/Protect Rank: Town Watch
Town Watch
Flash: Clocks at War III
Audio: {{{audio}}}

Winchester Lock is a key member of the Lock Legion and an acitve member of the Clock Crew as Redneck-Clock. He is the owner of He also is known to to have credit for over 100 movies in total.

Winchester Lock's submissions[]

He has made a large number of Lock movies - 63 as of December 2009- most notably the 'Locks at War III' movie of Lock Day 2009.

Redneck-Clock's submissions[]

As of August 2010, Redneck has 67 movies on Newgrounds, with no awards. A number of these are collaborations with his Lock alternative persona- Winchester Lock. Redneck-Clock is involved in the Cool Things series.

Redneck Clock, the character[]

Redneck Clock talks about the races from a stereotypical Southern U.S. "Redneck" point of view. He quotes from history in some Flashes and makes jokes in others.
