These are Wikigrounds specific templates that one should know for regular editing tasks. This section is under construction, so help would be appreciated in building the templates.
Quality control[]
POV article[]
The neutrality of this article is disputed,
Please see the discussion on the talk page.Used to denote the lack of neutrality of an article.
Under construction[]
This means an article is not complete in spite of available information.Stub articles[]
Use this to remind people that this is a stub article and should be built upon. We're not going to be cute this time, it's a stub, not a grounder.
Protection levels[]
Means that only registered users can edit articles. Does not protect the article, it is only a reminder.
Means that only sysops can edit articles. Does not protect the article, it is only a reminder.
Mostly to get people's attention before they look at something.
SPOILERS: This section is contain spoilers for a movie/games that you about to read! If you haven't watch/play any of those yet. Turn back now!!!In order to ensure nobody reads any information they do not want to in fear of ruining a surprise.
Inappropriate/offensive content[]
{{nsfw}} This article contains links, pictures or mentions of content inappropriate for people under 18. If you're under 18, close this page.
To warn people of inappropriate or offensive content they may not want to see at work or school.
Potentially harmful links[]
To warn people of links that may be potentially hazardous to one's computer.
(When creating this, remember to make it bright red as a warning indicator.)
User templates[]
Thank you for your contribution to Wikigrounds. Your edit has been deemed unsuitable for Wikigrounds and has been removed. If you wish to make good edits, please read the Rules & Policies before contributing. I hope to see good contributions from you very soon.--(User's signature)
Used to advise users who break small rules.
Please stop contributing crap to Wikigrounds. If you do not improve your edits, you may be banned.--(User's signature)
Second warning.
Final warning
THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING. If you do not stop violating the Rules & Policies, you WILL be banned.--(User's signature)
Final warning.
{{Banned|Ban type=""|Duration=""|Reason=""|Actions=""}}
Used to indicate time-restricted ban.
Used for users who are banned indefinately.