Why the new Wikia Skin Sucks Like a Bucket of Ticks
- Too much space is wasted on the sides
- Every other image has my stuffed hedgehog's face next to it.
- We lost the Wikigrounds Tank
- Too many useful tools, like Special Pages and History, are hidden
- The helpful links to good articles we had on the left are largely gone
- We lost the connection to the Tech Hub
- Articles now take up less than half of my fairly typical screen
- Standard Templates now hog half of the available area
- Why do we need a permanent link to the Glee Wiki on top of each page?
- It will be mandatory come November 3rd
Kosher Crackers
For some reason, I really enjoyed making that random article about an unusually poorly received submission. It wasn't a particularly interesting article, but I had fun making it.
Out of curiosity, I searched for Crackerkillers.com, but the website doesn't exist. Crackerkiller.com exists, and is apparently a great site for finding female adult partners. You see, this is what I hate about the internet. Not even racism is sacred anymore.
As a Jew, I really struggled to find a proper spelling for matzah. My family spells it matzah, the store says it's matzoh, except in ball form, when it's matsa, Wikipedia says it's Matzo, and Hebrew school said it was Matza. I should have spelled it FUbO&GV(IOBOVG*&^GO) and have let somebody else take care of i…
September 11
Like many New Yorkers, I pay quite a bit of attention to this date. To any Americans reading this: please remember what happened nine years ago, if only for context's sake. To all foreigners, the reason you've liked us less and less since the 90's is partially because of this. Regardless of what you may think of our politics, what happened nearly a decade back was a horrible thing. And if you happen to be an Urmoyon visiting from Jupiter, Xymnth hatabald zaldib berzinger arrivedeci tazorac mentrios synthjos.
This is too epic to disappear forever.
The Badage boys are back in town
Akbar, a powerful vampire, was burnt when the Mother and Father, Akasha and Enkil, were put into the sun. He resides in Antioch, in search of the Mother and Father, and leaves his victims on the steps of the Temple.
Akbar threatens to kill Pandora unless Marius allows him to see and drink from the ancient couple. He drains Pandora to near death before Marius allows him to see the Mother and Father, and is later destroyed by Akasha when he attempts to drink from her.
Azim was one of the older vampires. He ruled as a god for a thousand years in a secret temple in the Himalayas, where those who went to worship him never returned alive.
He conducted disturbing rituals and entices Pandora to participate in …
Why I haven't been very active lately.
I'm going to college next Tuesday. After that, I have no idea what my schedule is going to be like. I hope to remain a regular here, but as IceDragon says, Real Life comes first.