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PoloPancake PoloPancake 10 September 2010

School starting.

Yes, well, school's starting for me in a couple of days. I'm 8th grade, and supposedly this will be the hardest year I've ever done. Yes, I know I'll have to sdtudy a lot and pay a lot of attention but who says I can't have some fun?

This is the year I'm going to get some pussy for the first time in my life. Yes. This is the year I will hang out in clubs and bars till late in the night. I will be doing everything, smoking, drinking, fucking, whatever.


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PoloPancake PoloPancake 7 August 2010

Loving the badges!

So, as you guys can fairly notice, Salnax has implemented a new achievement system, with points and all, that makes all the editing that much more competitve.

I shall strive to be no. 1, but I'm sure it'll be quiet hard, as I don't access the internet everyday. However, I think I can manage Top 10, or even Top 5!

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