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Otisman Otisman 5 March 2011

An introduction to Anti-Consumerism

Hello everyone, and welcome to Otisman's Anti-Consumerism blog. Wikigrounds may not be the best place to post this if I want it to make a difference, so I'm using it as a practice of sorts for when I have my own website to rant on.

Anyhoo, let's get started:

What is Consumerism? Well, the phrase began as a way to describe the system of trading, bartering, and buying things.

However, in modern times, the word has been used to instead describe how EVERYTHING in our modern lives, especially in rich countries like the good old US of A, is turned into a product. Look around. Even on the internet, popular memes such as "OVER 9000!" and "O RLY?" have been turned into T-shirts and other products to turn a profit. Nothing gets my blood boiling like se…

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