PM from a Dock[]
Please can you tell me a bit about the Dock Division.? Maybe send me a few links? I am thinking of making a wiki page about them on Wikigrounds , but I don't know where to begin. Thanks, IceD
Off the top of my head? Uhh...
The Dock Division was started August 7th 2006, and died off sometime in August 2008 (There was brief activity for one week in August 2009). The primary members were IRKen-Dock (me), ImacowDock (Imacow), Doom-Dock (JulianDoom), RadioactiveDock, StrawberryDock/CommieDock (he founded the group, didn't do much after that), AlienwareDock (IIDXClock), and RaspberryDock. Oh, and SnarfDock. He was pretty important.
The group was generally characterized by the laziness of its members, who didn't make much stuff without a lot of prodding. However, its members had/have amazing talent in animation.
The group also had several people who were "canonized" as "anti-Docks", generally being the people who hated the DD. They were:
Pen0r (some CC spammer) Black Mushroom Anti-Dock (Massive spammer) v0x (CoffeeGlock, major asshole)
Here's some more info: 2 6
The DD started due to a post on the NG BBS, known as the 7 Page Legacy:
The DD was spammed for awhile by the Glock Group, but we got by.
A lot of stuff happened, lots of internet drama. We all took things way too seriously, especially myself.
And that's about it. Good times, good times...
No awards![]
This bloke has 84 movies, including a number of collabs and crew movies for/with the Dock Division and somehow has no trophies[1] is this a record?
Icedragon64 01:09, February 16, 2010 (UTC)