Wikigrounds, the free Newgrounds encyclopedia
Wikigrounds, the free Newgrounds encyclopedia

This is a full, comprehensive list of series of Flash games and movies available on Newgrounds. The scope of the list is limited to only the series that are available in the official collection of series prior to Oct 13 2023. However, unlike the official page, this page will list all of the series by initial letter, thumbnail, title, synopsis, creator(s), release date, episode count, age rating and additional notes.

After Oct 13 2023, the Series pages merged with the Playlist system, allowing anyone to create a series page. This list largely includes series that had featured pages before this update.


0 - 9[]

Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating Additional notes
2 Ants 1 President
2 Ants 1 President JoelG June 22, 2016 3 T
Join two ants on their quest to end the presidency.
64 Bits Demakes 64bitsanimation Nov 22, 2021 9 E A playable NES-styled game based on Kirby and the Forgotten Land was made, but not included.
The 64bitsanimation crew has been creating a series of demakes; new takes on games as if they were made for old hardware!


Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating Additional notes
A Small Favor
A Small Favor Zeebarf


May 12, 2009 2 T
You're an alien assassin with some work to do!
Ackbar MeatwadSprite August 6, 2006 47 T
It's a series!
Alfred emily-youcis Mar 23, 2006 21 M-A Includes Alfred's Playhouse.

Remained hidden until 2023

Movies about Alfred the dog.
Alice is Dead
Alice is Dead ImpendingRiot


September 14, 2009 3 T
It appears Alice is dead, and you might be the one who killed her. Journey down the rabbit hole and in to the dark world of Wonderland.
Alphabet: The Series Mike Salcedo (Delfrig) Feb 2, 2022 27 M Also known as "Alphabet Lore"

A fake "Z" (now deleted) wasn't included.

A 26 letter saga.
Angry Dog
Angry Dog Sexual-Lobster June 22, 2006 8 T
Meet George, a small, angry, prejudiced dog.
Another Day
Another Day The-Super-Flash-Bros February 1, 2003 9 E
The Super Flash Bros bought a Wacom pad and this charming series was the result!
Apartment 51
Apartment 51 SmokedBacon August 18, 2005 20 T
Mythological creatures share a New Jersey apartment together. Hilarity ensues.
Arfenhouse DL-Neutrino


September 8, 2002 7 M
It's Arfenhouse, the movie!!!1
Arrogancy arrogancy June 5, 2003 4 T
The Arrogancy series is the work of artist Aaron McCray and tells a detailed story in which characters evolve, relationships develop, and what you think to be true turns out in quite unexpected ways. The first three chapters act as a prologue to the series - the real story starts in Chapter 4. More information regarding the series (including merchandise) can be found at the official site. (
Ask AI
Ask Al NeptuneCircle March 12, 2006 6 E
Al Pigioni bestows his wisdom upon those who seek it. Submit your question to Al Pigioni and he might just answer it!
Awesome Egoraptor February 23, 2006 18 M
Before he was a Game Grump, Egoraptor was best known for his web animation, namely this Awesome series of video game parodies!
Awesome Video Games
Awesome Video Games FarFromSubtle November, 2006 39 E
Enjoy these totally awesome reviews of awesome video games!


Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating Additional notes
B&W Drama Theater
B&W Drama Theater Alan Saunders (AlantheBOX) February 22, 2002 14 E
B&W Drama Theater is created by Alan Saunders. Alan is a film major from Chicago and does all the voices in the movies. Alan has created this series as a way to improve his writing skills, and is using Newgrounds as his stage. So be sure to check out all his episodes and write some reviews of what you think of his work so far!
Bad Guys
Bad Guys ChrisNosal September 24, 2005 11 M
Hey! Bad guys coming!
Battle for the Portal
Battle for the Portal SecretAgentBob October 11, 2003 4 M
This series is created by SecretAgentBobCharacters of the Newgrounds Portal are at war with each other. Will anyone be able to make peace between them?
Bbqbeefburgerman Bbqbeefburgerman July 14, 2006 24 T Several entries including fan-made submissions were removed from the Portal.
He's got a burger for a head and he lives in bbq-town.
Beebo fabulous999 September 23, 2001 14 M Also included is a fan-made movie by Lambtaco.
From the creator of African Detroit Cop comes a crazy series, Beebo!
Blockhead The-Swain September 25, 2005 14 E
Blockhead is the insane brainchild of Michael Swain.
Brackenwood chluaid March 29, 2004 8 E
Brackenwood is the creation of former Disney artist, Adam Phillips.
Flash 778430 card
Bridge Kids Nihaho Jan 21, 2021 6 T
Bridge Kids is an animated series made in collaboration between Adam Mickiewicz (@Nihaho) and Mike Carfora (@MikeCarf).
Brink of Alienation
Brink of Alienation BlasterMaster (games)

Zombie-Pimp (movie)

April 20, 2005 9 T
Machine gun aliens to death in this frantic run and gun game series!
Broken Saints
Broken Saints brokensaint69 October 11, 2011 ? T
"After nearly three years of work and tons of support from fans around the world, the 12 HOUR Flash graphic novel epic 'Broken Saints' can now be experienced in its entirety here on Newgrounds. Combining original hand-painted artwork, comic book text, stylized effects, and a hypnotic musical score, Broken Saints tells a haunting and poetic tale of four troubled souls who receive visions of a coming techo-spiritual Apocalypse. Special thanks to Tom, Wade, Shok, and all the new BS supporters at NG for helping to spread the good word - and be sure to drop by our little cyber home on the Web at for even more tasty surprises. The Saints may be dead...but long live the Saints!!!" - Brooke Burgess
Bunnykill Rajunen


January 7, 2005 5.5 M
The story of some bunnies with lots of weapons.
Burnt Face Man
Burnt Face Man Doki July 6, 2004 10 T Included are two parodies and the Salad Fingers collection.
Burnt Face Man is a series created by David Firth, who's notorious for creating the Salad Fingers series here on Newgrounds and on his own site,!


Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating Notes
Captain Low-Rez
Captain Low-Rez kaizoboy February 8, 2005 4 E
Behold, it's Captain Low-Rez! 25 pixels of spacefaring courage! If you haven't played Blastopod yet, you are missing out on one of the best retro shooters ever made. This game barfs out more giant pixels than you ever imagined.
Cat Face
Cat Face TheWeebl April 22, 2008 22 T
He's got the body of a cat and the face of a cat!
CCC City
CCC City O-Ovinnie May 23, 2004 12 E
Everyday stories and adventures from CCC: The city of opportunities.
Childrin R Skary
Childrin R Skary crookedsixpence August 6, 2015 9 T
This weird and wonderful movie collection is brought to you by Katy Towell. These "Childrin" always have something not quite "right" about them...
Chutney Glaze
Chutney Glaze ChutneyGlaze January 14, 2018 22 T
Chutney Glaze and company get into all sorts of mischief!
Claveman drumstick July 24, 2004 5 T
Born and raised by cauliflower, Claveman is totally random!
Clock Suckers
Clock Suckers parks2 April 5, 2007 7 T
A group of slackers stumble across a time machine. From the makers of College University!
College University
College University parks2 March 16, 2001 ? T
Welcome to the College University series, created by Mike and Andy Parker!
Contemplating Reiko
Contemplating Reiko TaintedInk September 7, 2005 19 T
Reiko is a perfectly normal red-eyed, pointy-eared, sadistic little demon girl. She spends most of her time in the first grade and hanging out with her enormous pet crocodile Lucy (short for Lucifer). The creation of Vincent Grisanti, Contemplating Reiko is a Flash adaptation of the web comics found at!
Crash Zoom
Crash Zoom Wonchop


June 26, 2015 5 T
From the team behind asdfmovie comes a series about a wacky team of creatives, two thirds of which are insane, while the other third might be going insane herself.
Cuboy EdibleCastle February 7, 2007 7 E
Meet Cuboy, he is the ultimate friend!


Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating
Dead Rain
Dead Rain SickDeathFiend April 27, 2003 5 M
A horrible virus is unleashed, turning people into flesh eating zombies! It is up to only a few survivors to stop the spread of this virus, while at the same time trying to save themselves!
Deep Fried Love
Deep Fried Love agro23 July 18, 2001 8 E
If you're looking for great receipes delivered by an entertaining host, the Deep Fried Live series by 8legged Entertainment is for you!
Destructo Box
Destructo Box DestructoBox March 17, 2010 19 M
Destructo Box is an animated series by Joey Reinisch and Phil McLaughlin with original music by Alex Clark.
DK Project
DK Project DKP May 4, 2001 10 T
Pop icons have a new enemy, the DK Project! Possibly long-lost relatives of Shotgun Man, these trenchcoat-clad teams have much better things to do than shoot their classmates. They've got bigger fish to fry!
Dr. Shroud robfeldman August 8, 2002 5 E
The Dr. Shroud series is created by Robert Feldman.

This is the first installment of the Dr. Shroud series entitled "Dr. Shroud in the Alley of the Dolls."

Duck Luck
Duck Luck Snubby June 17, 2006 12 E
There's a duck in it!


Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating
Eddsworld Edd Gould April 28, 2004 ? T
Eddworld is a webtoon created by Edd Gould (1988-2012) and kept alive by his friends and fans.
Edible Castle
Edible Castle EdibleCastle


January 9, 2007 10 E
Written & voiced by Andy Dennis, animated by Will Arbuckle. Check out!
Ego City
Ego City LenZ April 17, 2004 12 T
A kid named Johnny, wielding one of the orbs, prevents the fate of his new city from destruction.
Ena JoelG May 26, 2020 5 E-T
Some weird s*ht that don't make sense
Erik the Juiceman
Erik the Juiceman Gobolatula August 19, 2003 8 M
The story of a lazy kid and the people who live at his place. Sometimes stuff happens.
Eskimo Bob
Eskimo Bob AlanMidas


February 5, 2001 56 E
Eskimo Bob! Eskimo Bob! He... Is... Cool! Eskimo Bob gets very mixed responses from the NG audience - some hate it, others love it. We personally love Eskimo Bob, and hope this collection will make others agree. One episode alone might seem stupid, but after watching 25 episodes or so, we think you'll love him as much as we do!


Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating
Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel RobsH66 October 24, 2008 5 M
This epic series was years in the making!
FDA FDA May 26, 2005 6 M
Flash Fables
Flash Fables Jeremie January 12, 2002 3 M
The Flash Fables series is created by Jeremie Duval! These aren't your little kid's bed time stories! If they are, seek help!
Friday Night Hunkin' Doobus-Goobus March 3rd 2021 8 T
It's Friday Night Funkin' but boyfriend is buff. Series by @Doobus-Goobus!


Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating
Gamer Tonight
Gamer Tonight RubberNinja November 13, 2007 9 E
Richard Farkas presents, Gamer Tonight! A show that dives into the diverse stereotypes of the gamer culture.

Originally premièring on Australian TV show "Good Game", Gamer Tonight now finds its home on the web.

Ghost Motel
Ghost Motel Violet-AIM


November 13, 2002 11 T
Golowaner Scott Boyd Jan,6 2001 ? T
Glenda SomeonesEx June 25, 2018 7 T
Glenda, the classiest galaxy tourist! A sci-fi comedy by Someone's Ex about an asshole middle-aged woman traveling the galaxy in a very distant, but recognizable future.
Goth Lyfe
Goth Lyfe gothkyd


July 1, 2006 23 E
Todd Todderson joins is new at school and tries to fit in with the goth crowd.
Greasy Moose
Greasy Moose Sexual-Lobster April 15, 2005 12 T
The world of Greasy Moose is filled with all sorts of odd characters!
Gwain Saga GeoExe January 29, 2016 8 E
An original parodical series!


Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating
Hans Dick
Hans Dick HansDick October 4, 2005 4 M
The Hans Dick series is by Marc M., of Sick Animation fame!
Henry Stickmin PuffballsUnited August 27, 2008 5 E
Join Henry and friends on adventures where you make the decisions and determine the path of the story!

These games have been remastered as part of The Henry Stickmin Collection, available now on Steam.

High School Daze
High School Daze iAmBaSsMaN107


May 20, 2005 5 M
Inspired by true high school stories!
Hyperboy gene-goldstein December 20, 2004 5 T
Enjoy the trials and tribulations of a superhero kid and his evil twin.


Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating Notes
I Love Egg
I Love Egg ILoveEgg November 1, 2002 13 official entries, 5 fan entries E Includes a parody 'iHATEegg episode1'

and 4 miscellaneous egg movies.

Originating on the Korean website,, this series of cartoons is undeniably cute and inventive. We have also included other egg-related cartoons, for you closet egg fanatics out there!
Idiots Anonymous
Idiots Anonymous Karmichael April 26, 2000 5 M
Often credited as creating the "silent, drawn-out pause" in Flash. This show is hilarious! We especially like the Boston accents.
IMP RogerregoRRoger November 16, 2003 ? T
It's the International Moron Patrol!
Interface u-m-a-m-i July 20, 2018 23 E
Interface is a surreal series by U M A M I. You can support his Patreon to help fund future episodes!


Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating
Jerry Jackson Jerryjackson September 6, 2005 12 M
Jerry Jackson has made some Flash and would like to share it.
Jimtopia Jimtopia February 21, 2006 32 E
Welcome to the wonderful world of Jim!
John's Arm
John's Arm mikethepod March 2, 2003 4 M
John, the world's only city morgue night watchman with a superhero for a right arm!


Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating
Kegel jato May 10, 2001 21 T
The creation of Jay Donaldson, Kegel gets into all sorts of trouble!
Kermit Kombat
Kermit Kombat Pinnicle


May 16, 2001 7 T
The series features the author, Rocky Pinnicle, fighting Kermit the Frog, with a guest appearance featuring the author's cat BoB.
KR47 Ghosty22 March 28, 2007 8 M
The KR47 series is based on every day conversations between Rob Lowe and Dan Brown.


Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating
Larry Jazza November 16, 2009 8 T
The Little Freakin' Knight!
LazyMuffin Birthdays LazyMuffin 2007-2022 15 E-T
Every year, @LazyMuffin makes a song to celebrate his birthday.

Watch and contemplate your own mortality!

Little Fighter Alpha
Little Fighter Alpha 10 MaxR May 15, 2004 E
Created with Little Fighter game sprites, this series is like a hardcore in-game cinema!


Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating Additional notes:
Madness Krinkels February 19, 2002 ? M Additional collections are included for every singleMadness Day, as well as games based on Madness
Madness, from the mind of Krinkels, is the definitive mass-casualty animated series. Starting with a big marshmallow in 2002, the series has gone on to inspire hundreds of fan animations, fan games, fan art and fan music. We even host an annual event here on NG; September 22nd is Madness Day!

You can browse Madness fan animations by era via these shortcuts:

Pre-2007 2007-2010 2011-2014 2015-2018 2019-Present

Krinkels has been working with The-Swain to develop Madness: Project Nexus, coming September 29th, 2021 to Steam!

Marcus Peblo
Marcus Peblo ericblak November 8, 2000 8 T
This very colorful and creative cartoon series by Eric Black can be enjoyed by the whole family. The visual style is amazing, including some great motion-blur effects. The music is also by Eric Black, and it fits the mood perfectly. I would love to own the soundtrack on CD!
Minecraft TNA
Minecraft: TNA Falconer02 August 9, 2011 28 T
MINECRAFT: THE N00B ADVENTURES is a little Minecraft series I'm working on about 3 n00bs who just joined a random public server.
Minushi Minushi March 22, 2007 19 E
Minushi is a feature length animated motion picture brimming with action and adventure presented online in 19 parts!
Miracle Explosion
Miracle Explosion fourchinnigan September 18, 2000 6 M
Miracle Explosion (MX for short) is the story of a toaster. Hugo is a man who fashions himself a superhero although he has never done anything heroic. He calls this toaster Ned and believes dark forces seek to acquire it. Hugo is willing to sacrifice anything to keep this from happening. Yet, there is more to this than he can ever know. Nothing is ever this simple.

Miracle Explosion began as a short-lived comic-strip created years ago by Jason Milligan. With the advent of Flash, he has decided to make it into an epic animated series.

Miss Dynamite
Miss Dynamite Sirkowski July 15, 2001 24 M
The Miss Dynamite Collection is created by Sirkowski. Be sure to check out his website, Miss.Dynamite's Online Manga, for other great Miss Dynamite episodes and updates!
Monster Lab meatcanyon 11 T Includes 8 full episodes and 3 shorts.
An original series by Meatcanyon, inspired by his love of horror movies, metal music and personal struggles with weight loss.

Support the upcoming season on Kickstarter!

Mr. Boomba HammerWorks November 4, 2002 6 E
Mr. Boomba tries to impress the girl of his dreams, but always seems to find a way to humiliate himself in the process!
MUNCH ZoomToons August 11, 2014 8 T On July 23rd 2021, ZoomToons deleted their account and this series, rendering the page broken until 2023, where it was fully deleted.
Enjoy the wonderful misadventures of MUNCH!


Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating Additional notes
Nameless LazyMuffin June 3, 2005 10 T
A series about Cripples and chocolates. What more can you ask for?
Necropolis JazLyte


June 27, 2008 3 M
A millennium into Africa's future; Necropolis is the stage for struggles of a people dealing with corrupt leadership, supernatural forces, and genocide. To them, it's just Tuesday.
Neo Bender
Neo Bender Bicentennial


January 12, 2001 3 E
The Neo-Bender series comes courtesy of Diego Zuberbuhler from iCheez Animation Studios!

If you like Futurama and/or the Matrix, this is right up your ally!

Neurotically Yours
Neurotically Yours illwillpress Creator)

Various (parodies)

January 2003 ? M Includes sub-collections for Foamy Fanmail and Foamy's Rant. As of Sep 2022, those are mostly empty when illwillpress removed the original uploads.

Before October 2023, the main Collection also contained fan and parody submissions from various authors such as Buya, rtil, and RenegadeClock, but where manually deleted by Illwillpress after the Playlist update in such month.

Neurotically Yours is the story of a girl name Germaine and her angry squirrel, Foamy. It is best known for the antics of Foamy, namely his rants and responses to fanmail. These two topics have been categorized individually:
NOX JamesLee June 23, 2018 11 T
NOX is a character embodied by James Lee, using a mix of live action, UV lights, After Effects and animation.
Nuggets Miggs April 1, 2004 6 M
Enjoy the greatest nuggets since chicken nuggets!
NWAR danmarkowitz February 21, 2014 28 T
Serial killers who might be ghosts, steakhouse stakeouts, kidnappings, kids napping, and more!


Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating
On The Moon
On The Moon PEAB0


September 26, 2005 22 T
Anything can happen on the moon!
Orlando's Joint
Orlando's Joint orlandosjoint October 12, 2005 10 M
Orlando moved to L.A. from Philly to become a famous DJ. His dreams came to a crashing halt the night he was defeated in a "Wheels of Steel" battle by his rival, "DJ Pasty."

After that, Orlando vowed never to spin again. Since then Orlando has been on cruise control, smoking up and working at the Coffee Joint as little as possible.

Over There
Over There Dustball


August 21, 2005 5 E
Enjoy this full length clay animation from Dustball and gel!


Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating Notes
Paladin jazza September 20, 2014 7 T
Enjoy Jazza's epic sword and sorcery adventure!
Pencilmation captainmcross June 4, 2004 14 E Later episodes published by an official Pencilmation NG account from 2017-2018 aren't included.
Pencilmation, the endless struggle between creator and creation! These cartoons are produced and directed by Ross Bollinger, animated and orchestrated by a host of artists from around the globe.
Pico TomFulp 1999 5 official entries by TomFulp, various fan entries M There are separate Collection pages for each annual Pico Day, from 2006-2019 and 2021-2022
In the mid-90s, Newgrounds defined itself with twisted games such as Club a Seal and Assassin. In 1998, we gained notority for Telebubby Fun Land and our clash with the BBC. The real defining moment for Newgrounds came in 1999, with the release of Pico's School. A nihilistic nod to school shootings, Pico's School became a fast favorite among disaffected suburban youths everywhere.
Piconjo Piconjo 2004 Various Was grouped into the Pico Collection until 2022. Includes separate Collection pages for Piconjo Jams, Epic Kiss, Piconjo Confessions, and two annual Piconjo Days from 2021-2022.
Piconjo Pwnz j00!!!!!!111
Poninjas AngryNinja14 November 24, 2003 7 T
Fans of the Madness series will enjoy watching these ninjas fight it out!
Press Start
Press Start DarkMazeStudios April 28, 2006 38 E
“Press Start: Bonus Levels” is a monthly animated series based on the upcoming live-action videogame comedy movie “Press Start”.
Primal War
Primal War RickMarin December 15, 2005 23 M
Giant beasts battle it out for supremecy, in this series by Rick Marin!
Project DCK
Project DCK Cycon February 2, 2004 10 M
Follow the exploits of the DCK crew!


Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating
Qumi Qumi
Qumi Qumi Toonbox April 5, 2013 14 E
Qumi Qumi


Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating
Rats on Cocaine
Rats on Cocaine ApocalypseCartoons September 16, 2006 13 T
Meet Cage and Alice, two lab rats utilized to test the effects of massive habitual cocaine use. He's an abusive paranoid schizophrenic. She's a selfish sadistic bitch.
Reemus Zeebarf May 14, 2008 5 T
Enjoy the Several Journeys of Reemus!
R******* Animal Babies Dave April 6, 2003 25 M
It's everyone's favorite foul mouthed, perveted, cartoon animals!
Rihm & Maurice
Rihm & Maurice JamesJ July 1, 2003 5 T
Ren and Stimpy fans rejoice, this series takes it up a notch!
Roommates FlowJoe


September 11, 2014 13 E
4 pals trying to live among eachother with an Evil Landlord while crazy things happen.


Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating Additional notes
S.A.M.V BaconMask January 21, 2004 6 M
Socially Awkward Male Virgins!
Salad Fingers Doki July 1, 2004 12 T Included a collection "Salad Fingers Fandom" prior to 2023.
Salad Fingers, the creation of David Firth, has got to be one of the strangest Flash series ever conceived. I suppose that's why we love it so much!
Flash 380894
Sci-Fi Guys Dave May 28, 2007 11 T
Dave brings you hilarious antics in space!
Scrotum the Puppy
Scrotum the Puppy Brian-Beaton April 6, 2000 5 M
Some of you may have noticed that Scrotum the Puppy 1-3 were the first three movies to the uploaded to The Portal. When we launched the automated Portal, the Scrotum series was the first to be migrated over because it was the best thing in the original Portal. Brian's cinematic effects were unheard of in Flash at the time, and have been copied many times since. Everyone must bow before Scrotum, the first great series to appear on Newgrounds!
Shades of Grey SirGrayColeman February 7, 2005 6 T
An amnesiac man finds himself fighting to bring color to a B&W world!
Shaman's Quest Toonbox ? 10 E
Follow Tuk on his various adventures!
Shamoozal Shamoozal October 12, 2005 16 T
From Guitar Hero to Black Friday, Shamoozal's got it covered!
Sick Animation RomeoJR February 19, 2004 24 M
Marc M. has some of the most tasteless and brilliant cartoons I have ever seen. If you are offended by the gags in some of these cartoons, you are probably just insecure about your own sexuality.
Sketched sirjeffofshort November 20, 2008 12 T
Sketched is a series of animated sketch and improv comedy from a group of L.A. comedians!
Skittles N Bitz MajinPiccolo July 8, 2005 11 T
Crazy comedy sketches featuring your favorite video game characters!
SkullHead kirkslater December 10, 2006 13 E
Life isn't easy when you're a disembodied head without skin.
Sloth JeremyLokken April 12, 2000 4 M
If you don't know who Sloth is, go rent the 80's hit "The Goonies" and sit back and watch the adventure of several kids as they follow a treasure map to a pirate's hidden treasure! Along the way one of the kids, Chunk, becomes friends with the disformed man known as Sloth! Sloth helps Chunk save his friends from an evil gang of thieves, who just happen to be Sloth's mother and two brothers. Sloth doesn't talk very well because his family has kept him chained up in the basement. So Jeremy has taken his classic lines and sampled them into his hilarious movies!

We'll start with the original series, Sloth TV!

Smash Smoking-Chimney January 29, 2005 9 T
The Knockout Quiz Show! Answer strange trivia questions to prove yourself smarter than your opponents and survive the matches!
Soft Outer Crust thefriendsociety March 26, 2001 21 E
The Soft Outer Crust series are created by Dave Teatro. Be sure to check out his website,, for other Soft Outer Crust episodes and updates!
Spooky Month SrPelo October 30, 2018 5 T
It's Spooky Month!
Squigo Squigo January 18, 2002 7 M
The Squigo series is about a sketched character that gets himself into deadly situations.
Starwell JAMce March 23, 2006 18 E
Peak into the life of Starwell the Starfish!
Stickmen 2020 wavetro January 15, 2020 21 M
Stickmen 2020 is a collection of videos made by wavetro about 3D stick people getting into various, bizarre situations in short 1 to 2-minute segments.
Strategy Guide Needle October 30, 2003 6 T
Here's some video game advice from everyone's favorite intergalactic space alien, Guido!
Sublo & Tangy Mustard Aaron-Long December 13, 2015 15 T
Join Tangy Mustard the Sandwich Parrot and Sublo the Hungry Submarine in a series about two stupid street mascots for a struggling sub sandwich shop.
Sunday School EricSullivan ? 14 M
Check out this under-appreciated gem of a show!


Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating
Flash 656982 card
Tales of Alethrion TalesOfAlethrion April 2, 2013 5 T
Tales of Alethrion is a 2d non-dialogue fantasy web series that started with the short film The Reward, created by Mikkel Mainz and Kenneth Ladekjer. Listen to this Grounds Patrol podcast interview with Mikkel!

The series follows 8 different character teams in the world of Alethrion, connected by a mysterious treasure map leading to the world's biggest treasure.

Please help Kickstart the ToA Board Game!

You can also support individual episodes via the Tales of Alethrion Patreon!

TANKMEN JohnnyUtah August 16, 2006 3 T
In the year of 20XX, the world has been destroyed, all nations obliterated. All that survives are random factions of warriors that fight for..well, who the hell knows. They are the TANKMEN.
Thamesis Thamesis September 7, 2007 6 T
Welcome to the city of Thamesis, capital to a kingdom divided...
That's My Fulp MaddFlash2 October 6, 2006 26 T
MaddFlash presents this spoof on life at the Newgrounds office!
The Badlands RiftMaster


January 9, 2007 8 T
The dark, twisted universe of The Badlands is the brainchild of Edmund McMillen and Caulder Bradford (aka Riftmaster).

For more insight into the mind of Mr. McMillen, read this Newgrounds Devspot Interview!

The Fear Hole Scythemantis March 26, 2007 7 T
Enjoy this comedy horror series starring three freakish scientists, their janitor, and the horrible creatures that emerge from their dimensional vortex!
The Grim Reaper Show Matzerath December 5, 2002 M T
Death finally gets his own show and a chance to speak his mind.
The Little Buzzers FarFromSubtle September 2, 2005 10 E
A cute cartoon, inspired by unadulterated rage and hatred. Be sure to check out!
The Mike Weiss Saga RandomFilms November 2, 2015 3 E
Mike is a student at La Salle University in Philadelphia, who has chronicalled his college life in this web series.

It all started with The Mike Weiss Show, while Mike was in high school:

The Negotiator crageous August 6, 2000 13 T
When your trigger finger gets too sore blowing up Bin Laden and Britney Spears, why not give it a brief rest and exercise your mind with these negotiation games! The Negotiator, The Mediator, Altered States, and Ambition are all created by Michael Gibson. Do you think you have what it takes to negotiate your way through a situation?

The Negotiator series puts you in a situation where you have to negotiate to get what you want.

There She Is!! SamBakZa April 10, 2004 6 E
"There She Is" is a love story about a rabbit (Doki) and a cat (Nabi), in a world where cross species love is forbidden.
Tomorrow's Nobodies Tomorrows-Nobody July 18, 2004 14 T
Follow the lives of these wild teens as they do crazy things!
TooF MACception June 20, 2006 22 E
It's like a party in your mouth!
Trapped stonefruitstudios June 18, 2000 5 E
In this clever series of puzzle / adventure games, try to escape by finding keys, items and solving puzzles!


Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating
Unforgotten Realms
Unforgotten Realms Sirschmoopy July 21, 2006 10 T
Robert Moran created Unforgotten Realms in the summer of 2006 while goofing around with Flash and trying to participate in a Newgrounds collab. The goofing off paid off, resulting in a hilarious series about D&D nerds!


  • N/A


Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating
Wacky Game Jokez 4 Kidz
Wacky Game Jokez 4 Kidz HotDiggedyDemon February 16, 2010 10 T
Join Mickey the Dick on a show with lots of video game humor!
weebl and bob TheWeebl August 28, 2003 27 T
It's the everyday happenings of weebl (and sometimes weebl's friend bob)!
Who Goes There
Who Goes There GrimEntertainment August 1, 2005 6 M
A security guard is trapped in a bunker, with a strange creature crawling around.
Wily Shorts
Wily Shorts AndrewDickman January 8, 2003 7 E
Enjoy these Mega Man parodies featuring a cast of Dr. Wily's robots!
Woogi World
Woogi World WoogiWorld December 8, 2011 50 E
Enjoy these fun games for kids, based on the characters of Woogi World!

Some of these games were made as part of a contest that ran from June 20th to August 10th, 2007.


Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating


2021 18 T
Created by Mike Evans, X-RL7 is a unique pixel-art style video series/music project following the exploits of the fictional band X-RL7 in a mix of comedy, social commentary and original music with some great musical guests. You can support the series on Patreon!
XIN Lifepoint1


August 17, 2003 18 M
"XIN is an animated fantasy action drama, based in a fictional world where corruption and corporal punishment have taken over the education system. The series was created and developed by Max Mao and Steven Lim, with original music composed by Steven Lim, as well. The aim of this series was to create a compelling and entertaining story, with interesting characters, and some over the top action sequences.

It is a definite fact, that XIN would never have come this far without the support of the viewers and fans, as well as the revolution / phenomenon that is The creators of XIN give eternal gratitude and reverence to all the staff and visitors at NG.

This is the first collaborated anime series by Max and Steven, and hopefully a doorway to many more to come. For more information about XIN, feel free to check out its official home at" - creators of XIN


Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating
You are a Fucking Moron
You Are a Fucking Moron The-WalrusZ September 20, 2003 14 M
Find out who's a fucking moron, and why! Brought to you by the Walrus of!
Ytown Public
Ytown Public McRhyme March 12, 2002 6 E
Ytown Public is a school run by an evil principle, who is out to get rid of annoying students! Follow the adventures of Fred, Newton, Glory Gal, and others! Be sure to watch all the episodes, as they get better and better as the characters develop!


Thumbnail Title Creators Release date Entry count Age rating Additional notes
Zero Clocks Given Pop-Tart
Feb 21, 2022
7 T
A spooky story taking place in the Clock Crew universe. By Pop-Tart!