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"$00pah Nin10Doh!"
Author: Collaboration
Audio used: Various
Origin: 01/03/2008
Size: 21.7 MB
Score (As of 5 May 2010): 4.39/5
Awards: Awards 5Daily Feature

Awards 1Weekly Users' Choice

Author's comments:
(Update: 1/7/09) - To those of you with questions, I can assure you all of them can easily be answered in the scene selection. By clicking the "?" next to each scene's icon, an info-screen will pop-up showing who animated it, who wrote it, who did voices in it and what music was used in it. Richie and I worked hard on the menu to make sure that all of these typical questions could be easily answered, so give the scene select a gander for all of the answers you seek!


Okay so, originally I was gonna give a stereotypical "marketing speech" to go along with the release of this movie like "THE BIGGEST VIDEO GAME PARODY COLLAB EVER TO HIT NEWGROUNDS FEATURING BLAH AND BLAH BLAH WITH SPECIAL GUEST STARS BLAH BLAH BLAH!" but that's become beyond ridiculous by this point so I'll save it.

This collab is NOT intended to be the most original, the most creative, hell not even the most "funny" thing in the world. It's literally just another collection of NG-style Video Game Parodies made by a bunch of guys who wanted to have some fun. If you happen to get any of that same fun or enjoyment out of it in the process, then that's good and I think all of us will appreciate that. If not, well then that's fine too. Either case, it is what it is. Hopefully that's acceptable enough.

Regardless, I'm incredibly proud of how this project turned out...and nothing to do with what I myself had brought to it, but what everyone else has done. I can't believe how incredible the animation for this project has turned out and I owe all of the talented folks that joined in for that. There were a LOT of segments that unfortunately weren't finished being animated, with a few that were also taken out for various reasons. So to everyone who contributed to this project, even if you didn't get to finish, thank you SO much for putting the time in and being part of this final video game parody of mine. I hope everyone will enjoy $00pah NiN10Doh! for what it is and get a good laugh or two.

BIG special thanks to Tom Fulp for the sponsorship and support for this project and JohnnyUtah for helping me compile this monster during a dire situation!

Note This information only refers to the official release on the Flash Portal.

$00pah NiN10Doh! is a collaboration of Video Game Parodies organized by Kirbopher. Like NiN10Doh!, it is it consists of a number of shorts inspired by Nintendo franchises.

List of Contributing Artists

A variety of voice actors, several of whom aren't Newgrounds members, also contributed their talents.

List of Franchises Parodied

  • Mario Party
  • Excitebike
  • Adventures of Lolo
  • Pikmin
  • Kirby
  • Duck Hunt
  • Star Fox
  • Gyromite
  • Zelda
  • Donkey Kong
  • WarioWare
  • Shigeru Miyamoto (Person)
  • Game & Watch
  • Super Smash Bros.
  • Pokemon
  • Fire Emblem
  • Tetris


Soopah Nintendo

Once again, a wide variety of artists were involved.

$00pah NiN10Doh! is one of the best received Video Game Parodies in Newgrounds history. As of May 2010, it has over 1.9 million views and an average review of 9.7/10. Like its predecessor, NiN10Doh!, it is featured in the Flash Portal History and Video Game Parodies collections. It is also one of the few large collaborations ever to be nominated for the Tank Awards.

View $00pah NiN10Doh! here
